Say, let's see something new today, it's about an idea that none never support it or take it serious but me. UEFI is the BIOS standard highly promoted by Intel...and forced everyone to do so. However, BIOS is an old industry that experienced engineers tend to use traditional debug methods such as break-points. That's what I called single debug view as following diagram.
This kind of debug view is fine when you're dealing with annoying OEM customer or Project Leader urging for issue report. Yeah, just do it and attach all your records from POST code/ debug message from PCH or EC serial out/ break-point insight from IBV or Intel's online debug monitors. However, you're looking at one issue at a time. Or you're looking at two or three issues at the same time, but you're still using single debug view.
As the engineer of one project, you should be fine with single debug view. As the BIOS leader or Feature leader, you might face multiple projects ongoing in the same time and all those projects binding with second/ third source
So my idea was to create analyze view based on automatic calculation in build time and run-time. With this analyze view, you may control multiple projects at the same time without manual efforts on each project's inspection. More to that, you could create a golden template based on the vendor's reference board to control all your projects. All analyze view reports are generated automatically, no more schedule losing control.
I really love this diagram, it explains how automatic framework collecting data in build-time and run-time to create analyze view.
It's the representation example of analyze view, it's easy to gain the benefit of free and open source diagram automation generator.
See the event schedule mentioned in previously diagram? That overcomes the late initialization/ wake-up issues as well, how I love this.
How thousands of Taiwan BIOS RD still doing their jobs like this...It's not a joke, man.
How it really works and helps us from try and error.
Too shay I still have bad news about this UEFI BIOS Dynamic and Static Analyzer, which is, UEFI is not welcome to future world since x86 members (Vendors, OEM, ODM) are mainly focus on making their own money. Even UEFI is supposed to be open, people tend to doubt it and pay attention to other standards.
Finally, welcome to give me any questions, suggestions or comments, thanks!